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Start offsetting your carbon footprint

In our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, we work hand in hand with leading organizations in emissions mitigation. Together, we are creating a positive impact on the environment and contributing to the well-being of our planet. Meet these valuable allies who make our mission possible.



Organization that promotes rural development in a comprehensive and harmonious manner at the community level in areas of southeastern Mexico, through the sustainable management and administration of natural and socio-environmental resources. With the purpose of strengthening the capacities of local producers in rural communities to achieve mitigation and adaptation to climate change.


The Integrator of Indigenous and Peasant Communities of Oaxaca (ICICO) is made up of 12 communities belonging to 5 ethnic groups (Chatina, Mixe, Zapotec, Mixtec and Chinanteca) distributed across 4 regions of the state (Sierra Norte, Sierra Sur, Valles Centrales and Costa). ICICO has developed the project Emissions will be offset with carbon credits from the CARBIOIN project, a forest carbon capture project through afforestation, agroforestry and reforestation under the Climate Action Reserve protocol.

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